Kate is adjusting well to a new baby in the house however she has a tendency to get all crazy around Oliver and has an affliction to touching his face. Of course her touching his face means he's close to being accidentaly poked in the eye or smacked in the head but Kate's learning. The next thing we're working on with her is not getting right up in his face and then yelling "Hi Oliver!" like he was 10 feet away. Some of the things she does is so funny that we can't help but laugh but we have to tell her that she can't do some things. I know she is kind of feeling that the attention isn't completely on her anymore - which it isn't - but we're doing everything we can to make sure she knows that she is a part of the family. It will take some time but there will be the fighting between the two of them soon...
Here are some pics of the last three weeks - not a lot of change with Oliver but that blob stage is quickly passing (unfortunately for me). Oliver already has great movement with his head and is very alert; he always is looking around when he's awake.
I am so happy that you are using the blanket I knitted. Oliver is adorable and I love the huge grin from Kate.
Awww... So cute! Love the little white patch. I'm glad you're all happy and healthy!
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