Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Congratulations All Around!

First of all, today is Kate's third birthday so I'm trying to get this blog post out the door before I leave today. We are going to Chuck E Cheese tonight for a little party and Kate can't stop talking about it. I found my camera charger so I'm able to download pictures again and when I have a spare second I'll post some here.

Second, I have been meaning to post an article ran in the first issue of Northwest Tattoo Magazine. Lucky's work was a part of an article about employees with tattoos and the reporter interviewed Sam - who has the incredibly large tribal tattoo that wraps around his entire upper body. The article is not on the website but you can view it below. Congrats, Lucky, you are now a published artist - in a roundabout sort of way.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Feel free to post more magazine articles - gives me something to do at work! :)

I actually work at a fairly prestigious hedge fund. I wore pants and tights until it was 80 degrees out (because of all the tattoos on my leg/foot) and asked if it was a requirement to wear nylons at work, and surprisingly told no. So I lead multi-millionaires to meetings around the office with my legs all showing, and no one cares! Definitely different than 12 years ago when I got a 1"x1" butterfly on my hip and everyone was freaking out! :)