Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Child Welfare needs to go to Tacoma....

You know what chaps my hide? When every time someone leaves a sleeping child in the car the parent is automatically a bad person and child welfare is called on his/her ass. Did you see the AP article today about the woman who left her sleeping two-year-old in the car while she and her older two kids went five steps away to donate change to the Salvation Army? It was Christmas time, sleeting, snowing, and anyone with kids knows that those are dangerous conditions to carry a kid through a parking lot. This chick decided it would be safer for the kid if she left her sleeping in her car seat, turned on her hazards, locked the doors and armed the alarm while she was five steps away in front of a grocery store. Five steps! Some dumb traffic cop then blocked her path back to the vehicle and handcuffed her (in front of her children btw) and shoved her in the back of a police car. All for teaching her kids about giving money to the poor. There's a moral lesson to be learned here: don't give your money to the poor.

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Badfish said...
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