We went to CDA the day after Christmas to make Crista and Joe's wedding. We stayed an extra day and came back Monday, December 29th so that we wouldn't have any problems with the pass. The roads had been extremely icy and we didn't want to hit the pass at night. The drive was great and we didn't have any problems with the pass, thank goodness, and got home around 7:45-8:00pm last night. After unloading the car and unpacking our suitcases my water broke so we had to reload up the car and get down to the hospital. My water didn't break on its own when I had Kate so all I had to go off of was descriptions from books, the internet and other people. Turns out I was right and I was having the baby that night!
After getting checked into our room and phone calls made to the family I found that I was only 2 cm dialated so we knew that we were in for the long haul and it was going to be an incredibly long night. I had a feeling that because my labor with Kate was so easy this one was going to be a lot harder however that was farthest from the case. This labor was even easier than Kate's - less contraction pain, the epidural only took 5-10 minutes to insert (as opposed to an hour the last time), and I jumped from 5 cm to 9 cm dialated in less than 30 minutes. By 4:45am I was ready to push; four contractions later and out pops Oliver. He arrived at 4:52am this morning weighing 6 lbs, 4 ozs and 17 in long. It was so fast that Scott had driven over from CDA the minute my water broke and he got to the hospital 5 minutes before Oliver was born! :D
Here are the first pics of Oliver:
And of course Kate and Lucky passed out on the sofa bed after a long exhausting day driving and hospitals: